Bloody Women: Submission Guidelines & FAQs


Bloody Women is a horror film journal committed to platforming viewpoints on horror cinema, TV and culture by women and non-binary writers

The Commissioning Editor is Leila Latif.

To pitch and for other inquiries, please email

  • Bloody Women publishes 3-4 essays a month that explore the intersections of horror cinema and feminism. We aim to publish essays, features and opinion pieces that both explore new films and television coming out and reappraise older work.

  • Essays and feature can be of varied length, but should be between 1,000-1,200 words.

  • All contributions to Bloody Women will be paid. Contributors can invoice the Commissioning Editor and payments will be made no more than 30-days after receipt of the invoice.

  • Pieces do not necessarily need to be about women in horror, but should be providing a new, fresh and dynamic take on genre cinema (horror, fantasy, sci-fi), horror film culture, and the intersections of these with feminism.

  • Please pitch your idea to the Commissioning Editor before sending a full article.

  • Your pitch should be no more than 300 words and set out clearly what you want the article to be about. In your pitch, please also outline why you want to write about this subject and why now.

  • We love ideas that are have something to say, that are opinionated, provocative and insightful. Whether it’s a new take on a beloved genre film or series, a personal essay, an investigation into a trope or something entirely different, we want to hear from you.

    Some recent pieces that we’ve published and will give a good example of what kind of writing we’d like to publish more of:

    Psycho Killers Prefer Blondes by Isaura Barbé-Brown
    A Confused and Wild Thing: On Being Trans in Twin Peaks by Alison Rumfitt
    Speaking Horror by Laura Maw
    Vomiting Women in Horror by Sarah Kathryn Cleaver

  • Once the Editor has received your pitch we will aim to look over it and reply as soon as we can. If you haven’t received a response in a couple of weeks do follow up with us.

  • If we accept your pitch we’ll give you a submission deadline and ideas on how we’d like to see the piece develop.

  • Please only pitch to us if you are identify as a woman or non-binary person.

  • Once the piece is published we will give you a byline with your biography to be included in the article. Please ensure you provide your website, biography and social handles as part of your article submission.

  • We will promote each article on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and through a dedicated newsletter, which will be sent out each Wednesday.

  • We will pay contributing writers promptly (no more than 30 days post-invoice). Please do not send us an invoice until after your article has been published.